Fred Astaire Downtown NY Raffle!

We made 3000+ memorable wedding
dance choroegraphies!


4.9/5.0 on Google Reviews!
291 Broadway suite 900, Downtown NY


Looking for a beautiful yet simple choreography you will both enjoy?

In our studio, we made over 3000+ wedding dance choreographies for the “Big Day”!💪

“We want a simple, yet beautiful choreography we can both enjoy…”

...If that sounds like you - sign up here!☺️

Fill out the form below to sign up for our wedding event raffle! 

"We are beginners..."🤔


More than 80% of our wedding couples came to their first
dance lesson with ZERO dance experience.

We’ll pair you with an instructor, and you’ll be dancing in no time!
💃 🕺

Our location in Downtown NY📍

Easily accessible by car or public transport!

"Why should I choose you"📌

Good question, here’s an honest comparison:

Our dedicated instructors will ensure:

– That you learn at your own pace
– That you feel comfortable
– That you have fun

Remember! ✌️
Dancing is the only hobby that keeps you physically & mentally fit
( And never gets boring! )

Relaxed & warm studio vibe🥰

Huge floor space & 1st class reception!

"Okay, what does it all look like?"👀​

See our favorite photos!

“This looks great…🤔

...But what do other people say?"

See the latest reviews from our students:

“Some people seem to feel that good dancers are born.
All the good dancers I’ve known have been taught or trained.”

– Fred Astaire

Here are the dance styles we teach!

A few more pictures of people genuinely having fun 🥰

If you made it this far, you should really sign up!

Sign up for our wedding raffle here:

Wish you the best of luck! 😉

Fred Astaire Dance Studios
Downtown New York
291 Broadway suite 900
NY 10007 | United States

Copyright 2024. | All rights reserved